25 november, 2014[vc_row][vc_column width=”5/6″][vc_column_text]Forest refine is the fourth cross border project between partners in Sweden and Finland with the overall objective to analyze and improve the forest fuel supply chain.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”2059″ border_color=”grey” img_link_target=”_self” img_size=”full”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]
Bioenergy from forest 1. 2003-01 – 2004-12
The first was the 2-year “Bioenergy from forest 1” project, launched in 2003 with a budget of 860 000 € financed by the European Union’s Interreg kvarken mittskandia program, County Administrative Board of Västerbotten and Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]The participating partners were the Central Ostrobothnia Rural Institute (Kannus unit), Chydenius Institute, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU: Department of Forest Management and Unit for Biomass Technology and Chemistry), Finnish Forest Research Institute (METLA) and Central Ostrobothnia Forest Owners Association.
The project compiled existing knowledge of the forest fuel supply chain, and identified knowledge gaps. Studies were carried out to analyze and improve technology and methods for extracting logging residues, including innovative systems for multi-tree handling and corridor harvests. Possibilities to harvest, dry and pelletize wood from young trees were also studied and evaluated. Pellets produced were characterized and combusted. The knowledge gained in the project was disseminated to forest owners, machine operators, energy entrepreneurs, and energy experts in municipalities and universities via cross-border seminars, field demonstrations and distribution of information sheets. The project established a fertile cross-border partnership for information exchange. Some of the identified knowledge gaps were filled but several new gaps were identified that were to be studied in subsequent projects.Bioenergy from forest 1 final report[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”2061″ border_color=”grey” img_link_target=”_self” img_size=”full”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]
Bioenergy from forest 2. 1.1.2005-30.6.2007
In 2005 a 2-year follow-up project, “Bioenergy from forest 2”, was launched with the same partners and a budget of 1 000 000 € from the same providers. Building on the knowledge gained from the previous project.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Extensive studies were carried out to analyze and improve technology and methods applied at all steps in the forest fuel supply chain: harvesting, handling, storing and transportation of young trees from the forest to small-scale heating cooperatives. New logistical solutions adapted to regional conditions and their environmental impact on poor soils were evaluated. Possible ways to improve the fuel quality of young trees were considered, including various means of debarking, delimbing, processing and storing them. Local solutions for using pellets produced from young trees instead of fuel chips were also addressed, and both chips’ and pellets’ physicochemical characteristics and combustion properties were analyzed. Studies were carried out in close cooperation with forest owners, entrepreneurs and local heating plants’ staff, who also participated in seminars and field excursions. Information from the project was also communicated in international seminars and exhibitions, and through extensive distribution of information sheets. Find the info sheets here!
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Forest Power
In 2009 the 3-year “Forest Power” project was launched with a budget of 4 400 000 €. The project was partly financed by the European Union’s Botnia-Atlantica (BA) program (ERDF, Interreg IV A), the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, and the County Administrative Boards of Västerbotten and Västernorrland.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]There were also contributions from several Norwegian sources, including the State of Norway, Nordland County, the County Governor’s Office in Nordland and the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Participating partners were: METLA, Centria, Central Ostrobothnia Rural Institute (Kannus unit), Central Ostrobothnia Forest Owners association, SLU (Department of Forest Resource Management and Unit of Biomass Technology and Chemistry), Umeå University (Department of Applied Physics and Electronics), BioFuel Region, AllSkog and the Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute (Skog og Landskap).
The project investigated the whole energy wood procurement and conversion chain from forest to energy and heating plant. Thus, it generated information on new and more efficient ways for procuring forest fuel, improving the quality management of raw material, improving conversion processes at small-scale heating plants, and developing new business models for self-employed energy wood contractors. The project had a marked impact in the following ways. Utilization of renewable energy increased in private households, farms, enterprises, cooperatives and district heating plants in the BA region. New heating plants were established during the project period and more were expected to start up subsequently. Utilization of forest biomass reserves improved, by exploiting small-diameter stems, crown biomass and stumps. The ability of energy cooperatives to price the heat they produced (reflecting the productivity of the whole procurement chain), energy efficiencyand feedstock quality all improved. Heating plant staff were more aware of the factors that affect boiler efficiency and emissions, and their competence in adjusting boiler behavior increased. General knowledge of renewable forest energy sources and utilization within the BA region was also enhanced. Forest companies, forest owners and entrepreneurs received information and help to support their activities in the region, and new machine entrepreneurs initiated ventures. New contacts were established, which stimulated abundant networking, information exchange, new initiatives and new project ideas. Contacts with actors in the forest and energy sectors were also established via collaboration with participants in other EU projects.
The first two projects focused mostly on small-scale forest energy systems and pelletizing while the “Forest Power” project focused more on large-scale supply of various energy assortments (logging residues, stumps and young trees). Extensive R&D particularly addressed young energy thinnings. In cooperation with forest machine manufacturers, it provided robust scientific foundations for developing innovative new felling heads and commercial development is under way. The projects fostered a strong cross-border network of forest energy experts, with multiple links to forest and energy stakeholders and participants in other projects addressing related issues. This ongoing cooperation has stimulated further efforts to develop and implement means to improve and exploit renewable energy sources. A highly proactive communication strategy has disseminated information to targeted stakeholders and contributed to increased knowledge about the forest energy resources and utilization within the BA region. The projects have enhanced numerous aspects of the forest fuel supply chains, helping the region to reach and surpass the renewable energy goals and greenhouse gas emission targets set by the EU. Sweden reached the 2020 goal of meeting 49% of its energy demand from renewable sources by 2012, with a 132 TWh per year contribution (32% of total energy consumption) from biomass. The use of biomass has increased in all sectors, but the biggest increase has been in district heating, where it rose from 29 TWh in 2002 to 45 TWh in 2012 (Swedish Energy Agency 2014). However, it is more difficult to find renewable solutions for the transport sector, and both Sweden and Finland are still heavily dependent on imported fossil fuels. To contribute to renewable solutions for the transport sector and the development of forest biorefineries, the Forest Refine project was launched in 2012.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_button2 title=”Read more about Forest Power” style=”3d” color=”grey” size=”md” link=”||target:%20_blank”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”582″ border_color=”grey” img_link_target=”_self” img_size=”full”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_button2 title=”Read more about Forest Refine ” style=”3d” color=”grey” size=”md” link=”||”][/vc_column][/vc_row]