BioHub News
11 augusti, 2017After summer and vacation it is time for a newsletter from BioHub in three languages. Although some parts of the definition of summer may need some adjustments, (depending on where you have been) we are now ready to look for changes in the chemical composition during storage and meet more terminal owners.
You will find the Newsletters here!
BioHub is moving forward – Newsletter BioHub No 2
We start the fall by looking back at what happened in the spring that was a busy one. We have visited many forest biomass terminals in both Sweden and Finland.
BioHub rullar på – Nyheter BioHub Nr 2
Här kommer en sammanfattning av vårens arbete inom BioHub som inneburit många besök på skogliga terminaler i både Finland och Sverige.
BioHub etenee – Uutiskirje BioHub No 2
Tässä kevään toiminnan yhteenvedossa keskitytään etenkin tutkijoiden Suomessa ja Ruotsissa toteuttamiin terminaalivierailuihin.
Greetings from Barbro Kalla and Katri Kulkki