Jānis Baiks
22 juni, 2015[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Abstract – Sustainable public transport development challenges in Latvia
A key concern in Latvia is security of its energy supply: the country continues to be highly dependent on energy imports from other states, for example Russian natural gas. There is only one natural gas supplier in Latvia – and that is JSC “Latvijas Gāze” – granted with the monopoly rights for the transmission, distribution and storage of natural gas up to 2017. Shifting to domestic renewable energy sources (RES) and increasing the energy efficiency and reducing overall energy consumption are challenges that would contribute to Latvia’s energy supply security.
Although Latvia has one of the best performances in total renewable energy consumption (47,4%) among EU countries, it also has one of the lowest share of renewable energy in transportation sector (3,1% – 2012, data source: European Environment Agency (EEA)). Since 2005 Latvia Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in the transportation sector overall is negative but this has slightly increased. 19,6% of all of Latvia’s GHG emissions come from transportation sector which is 2nd largest GHG contributor.
Greater investments in the public transportation system would also help to reduce transportation emissions, air-pollution and will raise the environmental quality. Furthermore, adopted measures at making public transportation services more attractive contribute to reduce emissions from transportation and improve the city space.
The investment direction of public transportation infrastructure could possibly be in several steps: 1) renewal of the bus fleet with CNG (compressed natural gas)/ CBG (compressed bio gas) busses and construction of CNG filling station (-s); 2) construction of bio methane plant. In a long-term run it would be most economical to build it at Valmiera Water Biological sewage treatment plant that would significantly improve the situation of Valmiera Water sewage sludge management.
Valmiera City Municipality is the stakeholder in public companies “ZAAO” LTD. (waste management services) and “VTU Valmiera” LTD. (public transport services) with total fleet of more than 110 transport units (16 waste collection trucks, 94 buses) with total energy demand equivalent to 870,000 Nm3/a of bio methane. In context of regional development bio methane production and use in public transportation could create green jobs in regions and improve air quality in cities.
Valmiera city is looking forward to learn from best experience of “IPSE 2020” partners in developing bio methane sector and creating sustainable public transportation in Vidzeme region.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Speaker information[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Mr. Jānis Baiks is the Mayor of Valmiera City Council, Latvia
Jānis Baiks has studied at the University of Latvia, Management and Economic IT faculty, obtained a degree in business management.
Jānis Baiks began his career in Valmiera municipality, which is one of the 9 largest cities in Latvia, as a deputy executive director, later continued as the executive director and the deputy Mayor of Valmiera City Council. From the 6th November, 2014 he is the Mayor of Valmiera City Council.
The Mayor of Valmiera City Council, in accordance to the Cabinet order, is one of the representatives of the Republic of Latvia in European Union Regional Committee from the 26th January, 2015 till the 25th January, 2020.
Mr. Jānis Baiks participates in European Union Regional Committee for the Environment, Climate change and Energy (ENVE) and in the Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and European Union’s budgetary (COTER) commission.
Valmiera municipality as a partner has participated in EU URBAN BIOGAS Project which goal was to analyze the varieties of biogas production and usage in the field of public transport in Vidzeme region.
Mr. Jānis Baiks is a member of a management board of Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments (LALRG) and acts in the Latvian Large Cities Association.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”4243″ border_color=”grey” img_link_large=”” img_link_target=”_self”][/vc_column][/vc_row]